Welcome to CoolBoard

This is the Live Demo of the full application which we build in this Video Course

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Published on Packt Publishing logo

What is it?

It is a Kanban Board, where you can share tasks

and organise them together with real time updates.

How does it work?

You will need to Sign-up via email and authenticate here

Then you can create and share a board (via its URL)

What technology is used?

GraphQL database powered by Prisma

GraphQL trello server running as serverless functions on Vercel

Reactfrontend with Apollo served byVercel

How to sign-in?

We are using the service ofclerkto allow signing-in via OAuth using Google or email/password automatically.

About Privacy:
We will use your account information for authenticating and storing your boards under your account.
We might rarely send any emails for notifying about changes related to providing this service (e.g. news, any case of outage or maintenance time) or updated to this.

Credits / Copyright

The logo and favicon was based on

“Freezer Cold” icon by Creaticca Creative Agency from the Noun Project.

“Browser” icon by Didzis Gruznovs from the Noun Project.

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